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Sep 27, 2009

Autumn season

Now is the time to look for wind jacket, sweater, cozy flannel pants, and all the flannel blanket for the couch.
Apart from that is the changing temperature process in my body it´s not easy but I did try my best to just avoid thinking about it. Our mother nature is turning down the weather termometer and nothing I can do about it.
But something beautiful in autumn is that the color changing of the leaves and of course when they start falling down we have to rake them as well an extra training to commensurate the food we eat on autumn season.
How about our favourite swedish casseroles with grilled root crops and the berries in the freezer to make some yummy autumn pie dishes.
 Happenings I love when autumn arrived is that both of my kids is born in autumn.
 I must arrange all the wardrobe for season clothing and the best is the big holiday season with everything sorround it.
                        Lovely i´snt it?

                    Have a good monday everyone!

1 comment:

dhemz said...

thanks for the visit...glad to be here!